


Geluid is een fundamenteel element van ons dagelijks leven en heeft een directe invloed op onze gemoedstoestand en productiviteit.

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Acoustic comfort thanks to wooden doors

Acoustic comfort thanks to wooden doors

When designing a new building, acoustics are an indispensable part of the design process. In cultural centres, good acoustics are even primordial for the comfort of the visitor. Acoustics remains a complex matter: in practice, several factors influence the acoustical value achieved in situ, including the space, the building materials used and the decoration of the room.

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Certified security solutions with access control

Certified security solutions with access control

Access control is crucial. ln the door market, there is a significant shift from mechanical to electronic access control. Ideal would be when both methods can be combined in a single, certified solution. Eribel is an expert in the field.

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