Eribel designs, manufactures, and installs a wide range of radiation-resistant windows, doors, and other interior joinery. Our radiation-resistant products protect areas where a radiation source is present, ensuring that no radiation escapes from the space.
In radiation protection, one or more shielding barriers are placed between the radiation source and the people or materials exposed to it. This barrier reduces the effect of radiation by blocking ionizing particles. A material with a high density and a high atomic number offers the best protection against X-rays and gamma rays. The atomic number refers to the number of protons in an atom along with the corresponding number of electrons. These electrons absorb or scatter many of the gamma and X-ray particles originating from the radiation source.
Lead (Pb) has both a high density and a high atomic number, making it one of the top choices for radiation-resistance. The thicker the lead barrier, the better the protection. Depending on the tube voltage (kV)—which determines the penetrating power of the radiation (radiation quality)—the optimal thickness of the lead is determined. The higher the kV value, the greater the penetrating power, and the thicker the lead needs to be.
Our radiation-resistant products can be enhanced with one or more additional features: acoustic insulation, fire resistance, airtightness, smoke resistance, and thermal insulation.
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